Marco Petterino Gattinara 2014

Marco Petterino Gattinara 2014

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"Marco and Gian Petterino are two brothers who produce very small quantities of Gattinara DOCG. The Petterinos may be a few minutes’ walk but are a world away from the majestic, ultra-modern Nervi Conterno winery. These two brothers, who are a product of another age, continue to produce wines the same way their grandfather would have done.
The two brothers’ vineyards lie on some of Gattinara’s most prestigious crus: Castelle, Permolone, and Guardie. They have old vines, at 300 meters above sea level facing south-west. The soil is volcanic porphyry and granite, both rich in numerous iron minerals that give the classic reddish hue to the Gattinara soil.
Petterino’s Gattinara is fermented in stainless steel after an average maceration of about 20 days, after which it is aged in 25 hl barrels for years. In fact, Petterino’s Gattinara is usually released 8-10 years after the harvest. When in February 2022 we asked them about the 2014 that was still in old 25HL barrels, they replied, ” we don’t know, we haven’t tasted it yet…”!" -Supplier notes

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