The Wonderland Project White Queen Chardonnay Sonoma County 2022

The Wonderland Project White Queen Chardonnay Sonoma County 2022

  • $29.99
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"Vineyard: 70% Hicks Chardonnay || 30% Kiser Chardonnay

Hicks Vineyard: The Hicks vineyard was planted in 1990 all to Robert Young clone on 110R rootstock. The vineyard is trained on a quadrilateral cordon and a California sprawl trellis system providing ideal dappled lighting on the grapes. The soil profile is Manzanita series consisting of very deep, well drained soils formed in alluvium from mixed rock sources. The soil texture is a gravely fine-loam.

Kiser Vineyard: Originally planted in the 1970's, the Sangiacomo family took over the vineyard in 1987. Kiser has 170 acres planted and is set on a rolling slope with Zamora and Huichica soils. There is a mix of different old wente and dijon clones planted." -Winery notes

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